уторак, 31. децембар 2013.

New Year's Eve Outfit No. 7/ Novogodisnja kombinacija Br. 7

Here it is. The last, but not least, of the seven outfit that I promised for the last seven days in this year. Some of you may be working at the high class firms, or something that has to do with the government, or simply move in such circles, where you can expect to be invited to some kind of the stuffy ball, or just a dinner. So you probably going to spend couple of hours sitting, looking like queen Elisabeth the second, and waiting for night to end, but it does not necessarily need to be like that. And if it is like that, don't be concerned, because parties that type don't last all night, and sooner than you think, you can be dancing around some club:)
So this post is about the outfit that you could wear if you are attending some ball, for the New Year's Eve. As you can see, you can look attractive, modern, youthful and, at the same time, be appropriately dressed for the celebration of this type. And of course when the ball is finished you can go on with the celebration of the New Year's Eve, without the need for cross-dressing, and still be the one that attracts the most attention:)
Girls be glorious, don't just dream about it.

Evo ga! Poslednji ali svakako ne i najnebitniji, sedmi od sedam outfita kojih sam obecala za poslednjih sedam dana u ovoj godini. Neki od vas mozda rade u velikim firmama, pri vladi, ili se jednostavno krece u takvim krugovima gde moze ocekivati da dobije pozivnicu da prisustvuje novogodisnjem balu. Tako da cete sigurno provesti par sati sedeci, izgledati kao kraljica Elizabeta druga, i cekati da noc prodje, ali ne mora pod obavezno i biti tako. Pa cak iako jeste tako, nemojte da se brinete, zato sto zurke tog tipa ne traju daleko u noc, i brze nego sto pomislite, igracete u nekom poznatom prestonickom klubu.
Ovaj post je posvecen autfitu prikladnom za balsko vece. Kao sto vidite mozete izgledati atraktivno, moderno, mladalacki a u isto vreme i prikladno obuceni za proslavu takve vrste. I naravno kada se bal zavrsi mozete nastaviti sa daljom proslavom nove godine, bez potrebe za presvlacenjem, i opet ce te biti ona koja privlaci najvise paznje:)
Devojke, budite slavne, nemojte doveko sanjati o tome.

fur/ bunda- old
dress/ haljina- Glorious Bastard by Lady I
tights/ carape- Intimisimi
shoes/ cipele- Emelie Strandberg
jewerly/ nakit- Ketrin Keti Jewerly
hair and make up/ frizura i sminka- Estetik Studio Paun

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