понедељак, 23. децембар 2013.

D day/ Dan De

Ok, here we are. Just couple of days left in 2013, and we are all glad that it is finally passing, because that unlucky number at the end. Just kidding, I think that we are more excited by the fact that the most glamorous day of the year is comming. The day that we all can, or must, enjoy and be the prettiest ones at the parties that we are going to attend to. So I decaided to post You girls a diferent outfit combination every day, till the end of this year. It is going to be hard, but I think that we are going to find appropriate garment combination for every kind of party that You are planing to attend to. So sit back and enjoy. See you soon with first outfit, and be glorious, don't just dream about it.

Okej, konacno smo tu. Kraj 2013- te nam se blizi i svima nam je drago da je tako, zbog nesrecnog broja koji nosi. Mala sala. Ipak mislim da smo vise uzbudjeni cinjenicom da se najglamurozniji dan u godini blizi. Dan u kome svi mozemo, ili moramo, da uzivamo i budemo najlepsi na zabavama kojima cemo prisustvovati. TAko da sam odlucila da vama, ili nama, devojkama razliciti outfit svaki dan do kraja tekuce godine. Buce naporno, ali mislim da cemo uspeti da pronadjemo adekvatnu odecu za svaku vrstu proslave kojoj mozete prisustvovati. Zavalite se i uzivajte. Budite slavni, nemojte doveka sanjati o tome.

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